President's Message

President MYJuRF

Assalamualaikum and Greetings,

Starting from the year 2019 Malaysian Rope Skipping Association has advanced a step forward with the permission of Malaysia Commission of Sports to change its name into Malaysian Jump Rope Federation.

This carries the meaning of the hard-work and effort fought for since 20 years ago have finally brought about this invaluable fruit when the Association is being promoted to Federation.

Even so, Malaysia Jump Rope Federation is working hard to be involved in ASEAN and Asia & Pacific level championships. We hope that our endeavor to train athletes will draw more attention from different parties in supporting this Federation to produce more astounding Jump Rope athletes. 

Concomitantly, the federation is working hand in hand with Governmental Ministries and Departments in birthing forth children and adolescent that is active and healthy at their young age.

To all the committee members that are newly elected to lead the Federation, together, let us continue to labor for improvement. In unison, let us carry Jump Rope Sport to Olympic in days to come.

Hj. Syaiful Anwar Bin Hj. Ishak